Monday, April 27, 2015

Mucha Girls, D.E.S.I.G.N., and Tons of Tiny

Greetings marshmallows,

Today (or, yesterday, depending on your clock) marks the official Etsy listings for the patterns I made from Hannah-Alexander's artwork. You buy the set or individual princesses [here].

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hannah-Alexander's Mucha Princesses and the Front Page Feature

Good afternoon marshmallows,

This week has lasted much longer than any other this year. It has been busy, stressful, full of excitement, sad, and overjoyed. This post will cover from Easter (the 5th) to now which covers more ground than I could've thought possible so let's get started with the largest event and move down the list: The Disney Mucha Girls designed by Hannah-Alexander that I was converting into cross-stitch patterns are finished!

You can view a larger image and learn more [here].
You can PreOrder them through [here] or [here] but please do not comment on this blog post to make your order because Blogger hates me and won't let me reply to comments. You could also message me via [etsy] directly. They're $20 each or $55 for a set of all three.