Good morning crafters,
I'm getting worse about updating the blog and I do apologize for it. There's a lot of events going on right now and my days just get surprisingly busy despite not much finished work to show for it! My current work pile is as follows, and then below there will be some pictures:
- Butterfly Xstitch with beads for Stitchingpirates's contest
- Apprenticeship work for seamstress training (once a week right now)
- Birds Xstitch (for future sale)
- Star Trek Bead Dress
- Princess Daisy Bead Dress
- Glasmond's Between Day and Night Xstitch (to be mailed to her finished)
- Xstitch Pattern Re-Make for Mattsma
- Xstitch Pattern for Miskumi
- Xstitch [surprise gift] MLP
- Real Person sized robe-dress
- Two Wedding Samplers Xstitch
- One Baby Sampler Xstitch
- Beaded Cake Kit from Katie Dean
- Barbie, Monster High, and Ever After High Bead Dress Prototypes
- Kitchen Xstitch (for future sale)
- HAED Storykeep Xstitch (my first HAED)
As you can see, my plate is full! Even though only two of these events have technical due dates I find myself shuffling between everything rather frequently and the end result is, well, less submissions for large projects. And on top of all of that I still have to thank 1,513 people from April for the big front-page boom that was Hannah Alexander's Mucha Princesses.